Ozmoo Online

Ozmoo Online

[Switch to Ozmoo Online for Acorn]

Latest news

2024-09-28: Updated to Ozmoo 14.40, making Ozmoo 3% faster on X16 + other improvements. See releases for details.

2024-07-05: Updated to Ozmoo 14.36, adding support for Undo on X16, better calculation of # of save slots, plus bugfixes and minor optimizations.

2024-06-28: Added the PunyInform game Who Kidnapped Mother Goose by Garry Francis to the Story File dropdown menu.

Recent noteworthy updates

Ozmoo is a Z-code interpreter for the Commodore 64, 128, Plus/4, the MEGA65 and the Commander X16. You can use this page to build the interpreter and bundle it with a game. You can upload any story file you like, or you can pick one of the story files which are always available in the dropdown list under "Build game". Ozmoo can build games with sound for the MEGA65, but Ozmoo Online lacks the interface for this. We have prepared an archive for download, containing MEGA65 builds of the two games that Infocom released with sound: The Lurking Horror and Sherlock. We also have an archive containing Trinity for C64 (requires REU or dual 1541 drives or a 1581 drive, REU recommended!), download c64_trinity.zip.

[More information about Ozmoo]

Build game

Common settings
Story file:   
Language / Font:  
(*) Please learn more about Ozmoo and fonts first!
Command history:
Colour scheme
Check out different colour combinations here.
For colours to work well on real hardware, use black or white background or foreground!
Statusline:     (z1-z3 only!)
Input text:     (z1-z4 only!)
Splashscreen text:

Platform specific settings
 Commodore 64Commodore 128Plus/4MEGA65Commander X16
Loader image:    (*.kla)      (*.mbo)    
Build mode:          
Scrollback buffer:          
Smooth scrolling: (40 col only)      
Inform 7 XL stack:        

Upload Z-code file (.dat .z1 .z2 .z3 .z4 .z5 .z7 .z8), Blorb file (.blorb .blb .zblorb .zlb), Koala Paint multicolour image (.kla) or Multi-Botticelli image (.mbo)

Your files: