PunyInform games

Available in the "Story File" dropdown, are some of the best PunyInform games produced to date. PunyInform is a modern library for producing Infocom-style text adventure games which can run on anything from 8-bit computers to modern computers. [PunyInform homepage] [More PunyInform games] Here's a short description of the games available here:

A1RL0CK by Marco Innocenti
A1RL0CK is a survival text adventure about a child and some voices. Also, a lot of proteins. If you are looking for the kind of game that goes: "This is what happened and this is what you must do", A1RL0CK is probably not for you as it has an in media res approach and may result obscure to many players until quite far in the playthrough. It's a story meant to unfold step by step and it is intended to work like this.

May contain scenes not suitable for all audiences, like physical violence and psychological torment. No children were harmed in the making of this game.

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Calypso by Dave Footitt

Coming around in a lighthouse with no memory of who you are or how you got there, can you solve the mystery and win the game?

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Cargo Breach by Garry Francis

You wake suddenly. When you look out the porthole, you see that it's dark outside. It should be light. You must have overslept. Why didn't anyone wake you? Something is wrong. But what?

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Djinn on the Rocks by Joshua Wilson

James Merl III is a thrice-cursed pain in your magically imprisoned butt. What are you going to do about it?

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The King's Ball by Garry Francis

Every year, the king holds an extravagant ball. You're the local baker. You dream of making sweet pastries, fruit cakes, gingerbread and other delectable things that you know would be popular, but you don't have enough time or resources to diversify. You come up with an ingenious plan. You've baked the most gorgeous fruit cake. If you can get into the palace and present your plans (and your cake) to the king, you're sure he would provide you with the funding you need.

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Morris by Dee Cooke
You are in the pub... but you've stayed too long. It's the Pokey End Folk Week in Pokey End, southwest England, and the village square outside the pub has been taken over by a troupe of Morris dancers. You're terrified of Morris dancers! You can't leave the pub now! Obviously, you can't go out the front door into the thick of the Morris dancers, so you'll need to find another way out before the barman unceremoniously turfs you out at closing time.

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The Mystery of Winchester High by Garry Francis

Frederick H Winchester III was a rich man who lived in the city of Dunedin in New Zealand. When he died, his mansion was bequeathed to the city to be turned into a high school. Apart from the mansion, the remainder of Winchester’s vast fortune was never found and its whereabouts became known as The Mystery of Winchester High. You play the part of a 13-year old student who sets out to solve the mystery and find the lost fortune after hearing that the school will be closed due to funding issues and you will be transferred to a worse school.

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THE RUIN OF 0CEANUS PR1ME by Marco Innocenti

THE RUIN OF 0CEANUS PR1ME, the sequel of A1RL0CK, is a survival text adventure about a rescue mission gone completely wrong. It has an in media res approach and may result obscure to many players until quite far in the playthrough. It's a story meant to unfold step by step and it is intended to work like this.

This story contains foul language and detailed descriptions of physical and psychological violence against animals and minors, abuse of narcotic substances or otherwise harmful to human beings. It is recommended for adult audiences only.

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Search for the Lost Ark by Garry Francis

The stories about the Ark of the Covenant are well known, but its current location is a mystery. According to French author Louis Charpentier, the Ark was taken to the Chartres Cathedral by the Knights Templar. You were raised in a small village about 100 km from Chartres Cathedral. According to local legend, the Ark was secretly transferred from the cathedral to your village's church. Prior to World War I, the Ark was hidden in the local forest so that it would be safe from the invading German army and it has remained there until this day. The Church Council has decided that it's time to recover the Ark. As a seminarian (or trainee priest), they have asked you to return to your local village, use your local knowledge to find the Ark and return it to its rightful place on the altar in your church.

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Submarine Sabotage by Garry Francis

You are currently serving aboard the USS Ibis, the first of the US Navy's top-secret Puny class submarines. You were doing some routine maintenance at the aft end of the submarine when the sirens sounded. You thought this might have been a training exercise until you noticed a whitish-coloured gas approaching you from the aft bulkhead. Training and instinct took over. You couldn't get to a gas mask in time, so you dived into the nearby airlock and closed the air-tight hatch behind you. You are now alone and have no idea what is happening throughout the rest of the sub. You can't leave the airlock through the inner hatch (the one you entered by), or you'll get gassed, and you can't leave through the outer hatch, or you'll drown. What can you do?

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Tristam Island by Hugo Labrande

After crashing your plane at sea, you end up drifting to a small island, with not much to survive. You explore, and find out the island was inhabited, years ago. But why did the people leave? And why is there a fence around the white house at the top of the hill?

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Who Kidnapped Mother Goose by Garry Francis

You rub your eyes and squint in the bright morning sunlight. You vaguely make out the silhouette of your next-door neighbour, Peter the pumpkin eater.

"Mother Goose has been kidnapped!"

That catches your attention. You spring out of bed. Mother Goose is your other next-door neighbour and a dear friend.

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You Are Standing by Aaron A. Reed

A bonus text game created specifically for the Ultimate Collector's Edition of 50 Years of Text Games. The game explores six different styles of text games from across the medium's history, and tells a story about legacies and love.

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